MacHack 1997
MacHack 1997.toast
Hacks ’95
Reminder Manager
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C/C++ Source or Header
139 lines
#include "Chimer.h"
#include "Sound.h"
#include "stddef.h"
SndChannelPtr gChan1, gChan2, gChan3, gLastChan;
extern short MasterVolume;
// Thank you Jim Reekes, for helpful guidance
OSErr InitChimer(void)
SndCommand cmd;
SndListHndl snd,snd2;
OSErr err;
gChan1 = nil;
gChan2 = nil;
gChan3 = nil;
////// Get the CHIME sound from my resources
snd = (SndListHndl)GetResource('snd ', 1000);
if (snd == nil)
return (ResError());
// This builds a sound manager command that installs the sound as the
// synthesizer voice
cmd.cmd = soundCmd;
cmd.param2 = (long)((long)(*snd) + offsetof(SndListResource, dataPart));
// Now stuff the command into each of the first two channels
err = SndNewChannel(&gChan1, sampledSynth, 0, nil);
if (err != noErr)
return (err);
err = SndDoImmediate(gChan1, &cmd);
// I have no idea why I'm stuffing the address of the sound into a
// userinfo (for the application's use) field
// I got the bits from Reekes and I forget why
gChan1->userInfo = cmd.param2;
err = SndNewChannel(&gChan2, sampledSynth, 0, nil);
if (err != noErr)
return (err);
err = SndDoImmediate(gChan2, &cmd);
////// Get the CHUNK sound from my resources
snd2 = (SndListHndl)GetResource('snd ', 1001);
if (snd2 == nil)
return (ResError());
// This builds a sound manager command that installs the sound as the
// synthesizer voice
cmd.cmd = soundCmd;
cmd.param2 = (long)((long)(*snd2) + offsetof(SndListResource, dataPart));
// Now stuff the command into the third channel
err = SndNewChannel(&gChan3, sampledSynth, 0, nil);
if (err != noErr)
return (err);
err = SndDoImmediate(gChan3, &cmd);
// I have no idea why I'm stuffing the address of the sound into a
// userinfo (for the application's use) field
// I got the bits from Reekes and I forget why
gChan3->userInfo = cmd.param2;
return (noErr);
void PlayAChime(short chime)
SndCommand cmd;
short note;
OSErr err;
switch (chime)
case 1:
gLastChan = gChan1;
note = 55;
case 2:
gLastChan = gChan1;
note = 57;
case 3:
gLastChan = gChan2;
note = 60;
case 4:
gLastChan = gChan2;
note = 65;
case 5:
gLastChan = gChan2;
note = 67;
case 6:
gLastChan = gChan3;
note = 60;
// First send a command that tells how loud to make the sound
cmd.cmd = ampCmd;
cmd.param1 = (Random() & 0x7FFF) % 5;
cmd.param1 = (cmd.param1 + 1) * MasterVolume;
err = SndDoImmediate(gLastChan, &cmd);
// why is this here? to prevent playing?
cmd.cmd = quietCmd;
err = SndDoImmediate(gLastChan, &cmd);
// Put a command in the queue to play the sound
// The frequency is the midi note number set above in the case statement
// The duration is set to 1/4 second
cmd.cmd = freqDurationCmd;
cmd.param1 = 500;
cmd.param2 = note;
err = SndDoCommand(gLastChan, &cmd, true);
// After the above command is complete, tell the synth to shut up
// If you don't, it'll just keep playing the same note.
cmd.cmd = quietCmd;
err = SndDoCommand(gLastChan, &cmd, true);